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  Identifier English  
236 restoreLegacy.accountInfo.registerDate Legacy Account Registration Date (will be transferred) Edit
237 Email Address Edit
238 restoreLegacy.form.password Password Edit
239 restoreLegacy.headline Restore legacy account Edit
240 restoreLegacy.linkedAccounts.dateLinked Date linked Edit
241 restoreLegacy.linkedAccounts.headline Legacy linked Minecraft accounts Edit
242 Name Edit
243 restoreLegacy.linkedAccounts.status Status Edit
244 restoreLegacy.linkedAccounts.status.alreadyClaimed Already claimed Edit
245 restoreLegacy.linkedAccounts.status.notClaimable Not claimable Edit
246 restoreLegacy.linkedAccounts.status.valid Valid Edit
247 restoreLegacy.text.1 If you registered an account on before May 11 2018, you might have lost your account data such as your linked accounts. To link your old legacy account to your new Gigadrive account, please enter your legacy account's login data below. Afterwards your old data will be merged with your new data. Edit
248 restoreLegacy.text.2 Please note that if you had previously linked an account that is now linked to another Gigadrive account, you can NOT reclaim it! Edit
249 server.chart.playersLabel Players Edit
250 server.information Information Edit