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  Identifier English Japanese  
83 alert.minecraftEditionInformation This website only works for the Java Edition of Minecraft! このサイトはMinecraftのJava版でのみ動作します。 Edit
84 alert.yoshinoAdvertisment Do you need a fast and reliable bot for Discord, Twitch or YouTube? <a href="" target="_blank">Check out Yoshino!</a> (Not translated) Edit
85 cape.downloadButton Download cape (Not translated) Edit
86 cape.headline Cape "%title%" (Not translated) Edit
87 cape.related Related capes (Not translated) Edit
88 cape.users.headline Cape users (Not translated) Edit
89 cape.users.noUsers No users are currently using this cape. 現在、このケープを使用しているユーザーはいません。 Edit
90 dashboard.yourFavorites.headline Your favorites (Not translated) Edit
91 dashboard.yourFavorites.loginPlaceholder Log in to customize your home page with your favorite skins, capes and servers! ログインして、お気に入りのスキン、ケープ、サーバーでホームページをカスタマイズしよう! Edit
92 dashboard.yourFavorites.loginPlaceholder.button Sign in with Gigadrive Gigadriveでサインイン Edit
93 dashboard.yourFavorites.more More (Not translated) Edit
94 dashboard.yourFavorites.noFavorites You currently do not have any favorites. (Not translated) Edit
95 download.backButton Go back (Not translated) Edit
96 download.description Please wait 5 seconds for your download to start. ダウンロードが始まるまで5秒ほどお待ちください。 Edit
97 download.headline Your download is about to start ダウンロードが開始されます Edit