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576 auctions.paymentDeadline Payment Deadline (Not translated) Edit
577 auctions.endTime End Time (Not translated) Edit
578 auctions.bids.title Bids (Not translated) Edit
579 auctions.rules.pageInfo This page is used to bid on Sponsored Listings for servers on (Not translated) Edit
580 auctions.rules.bidTiming Auctions are held at the end of each month and listings will be active for the entirety of the upcoming month. (Not translated) Edit
581 auctions.rules.topBidders The top bidders on auctions will be charged the amount of their bid at the end of the auction. Other bidders will not be charged. (Not translated) Edit
582 auctions.rules.paymentDeadline Payments need to be completed by the payment deadline. Bids that are not paid by the deadline are rejected and will not be listed. (Not translated) Edit
583 auctions.rules.paymentRefunds Payments on auctions are not refundable. (Not translated) Edit
584 auctions.rules.bidRetraction Bids may be retracted before or after an auction and before payment by contacting support. (Not translated) Edit
585 auctions.rules.title Rules & Information (Not translated) Edit
586 auctions.placeBid.title Place a bid (Not translated) Edit
587 auctions.placeBid.amount Amount in Euro (€) (Not translated) Edit
588 auctions.placeBid.server Your server (Not translated) Edit
589 auctions.placeBid.termsHint By clicking "Place Bid", you agree to our terms, as well as the Rules & Information guidelines on this page. (Not translated) Edit
590 auctions.placeBid.submit Place Bid (Not translated) Edit