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  Identifier English  
160 goBack.headline Go back Edit
161 suggestedUsers.headline Suggested Edit
162 trendingTopics.headline Trending topics Edit
163 trendingTopics.postsThisWeek Posts this week: %num% Edit
164 birthdays.headline Upcoming birthdays Edit
165 Today Edit
166 profile.blocked %user% is blocked and unable to follow you or view your content. Edit
167 verified.description This account has been confirmed as an authentic page for this public figure, media company or brand. Edit
168 settings.profile.appearance.error.displayNameExceedsLength The display name must be between 1 and 24 characters long. Edit
169 settings.profile.appearance.error.bioExceedsLength The bio must be between 0 and 200 characters long. Edit
170 settings.profile.appearance.error.birthdayExceedsLength You have to be at least 13 years old and at the most 120 years old. Edit
171 settings.profile.appearance.error.invalidBirthday Please enter a valid birthday. Edit
172 error.invalidImage Please upload a valid image. Edit
173 settings.profile.appearance.error.headerTooBig The header image may not be bigger than %size%. Edit
174 settings.profile.appearance.error.avatarTooBig The avatar image may not be bigger than %size%. Edit