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  Identifier English  
204 settings.account.information.dateJoined Date joined Edit
205 settings.account.information.dateOfBirth Date of birth Edit
206 Account ID Edit
207 settings.account.information.followers Accounts following you Edit
208 settings.account.information.following Accounts you follow Edit
209 settings.account.information.favorited Posts you favorited Edit
210 settings.account.information.blocked Accounts you blocked Edit
211 settings.account.information.viewAll View All Edit
212 settings.account.information.delete Click here if you wish to delete your account. Edit
213 settings.account.username.changed Your username has been changed. Edit
214 settings.account.username.error.enterUsername Please enter a username. Edit
215 settings.account.username.error.invalidCharacters The username has to be alphanumeric. Edit
216 settings.account.username.error.tooShort The username has to be at least 3 characters long. Edit
217 settings.account.username.error.tooLong The username cannot be longer than 16 characters. Edit
218 settings.account.username.error.cooldown You can only change your username every 30 days. Edit