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  Identifier English  
227 settings.account.password.headline Change Your Password Edit
228 settings.account.password.currentPlaceholder Current password Edit
229 settings.account.password.newPlaceholder New password Edit
230 settings.account.password.repeatPlaceholder Repeat new password Edit
231 settings.account.sessions.headline Active Sessions Edit
232 settings.account.sessions.lastAccessed Last accessed: Edit
233 settings.account.sessions.notificationsEnabled Notifications are enabled. Edit
234 settings.account.sessions.notificationsDisabled Notifications are disabled. Edit
235 settings.account.sessions.killed The session has been killed. Edit
236 settings.account.sessions.current Current session Edit
237 settings.account.delete.headline Delete Your Account Edit
238 settings.account.delete.line1 This will permanently delete all of your created content, including your posts, favorites, replies and follows. Edit
239 settings.account.delete.line2 Cached content may still be available for a while. Edit
240 settings.account.delete.line3 This process is completely irreversible<. Edit
241 settings.account.delete.line4 You will not be able to reactivate your account at all. Edit