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Context Screenshots


  Identifier English Burmese  
122 entryList.private.headline This user has set their profile private. (Not translated) Edit
123 entryList.private.description You need to be a follower to view their posts. (Not translated) Edit
124 status.nsfw.headline NSFW content (Not translated) Edit
125 status.nsfw.description This post was marked as NSFW and may contain inappropriate content. Click to reveal it. (Not translated) Edit
126 postForm.placeholder Post something for your followers! (Not translated) Edit
127 postForm.success Your post has been sent. (Not translated) Edit
128 postForm.imageTooBig Images must be smaller than %size%. (Not translated) Edit
129 postForm.maxAttachmentsReached You can not add more attachments. (Not translated) Edit
130 postForm.sendButton Send (Not translated) Edit
131 postForm.addPhotosButton Add photos (Not translated) Edit
132 error.invalidFileType Invalid file type. (Not translated) Edit
133 avatarSelector.delete Delete profile picture (Not translated) Edit
134 headerSelector.delete Delete header picture (Not translated) Edit
135 avatarSelector.upload Upload (Not translated) Edit
136 relationshipList.empty Nothing found. (Not translated) Edit