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  Identifier English Burmese  
214 settings.account.username.error.enterUsername Please enter a username. (Not translated) Edit
215 settings.account.username.error.invalidCharacters The username has to be alphanumeric. (Not translated) Edit
216 settings.account.username.error.tooShort The username has to be at least 3 characters long. (Not translated) Edit
217 settings.account.username.error.tooLong The username cannot be longer than 16 characters. (Not translated) Edit
218 settings.account.username.error.cooldown You can only change your username every 30 days. (Not translated) Edit
219 settings.account.username.error.isCurrent You already have this username. (Not translated) Edit
220 settings.account.username.error.notAvailable That username is not available anymore. (Not translated) Edit
221 settings.account.username.headline Change Your Username (Not translated) Edit
222 settings.account.username.cooldownInfo You can only change your username every 30 days. (Not translated) Edit
223 settings.account.username.verificationInfo Changing your username results in losing your verified status. (Not translated) Edit
224 error.notAllowed You are not allowed to view that page. (Not translated) Edit
225 settings.account.password.error.currentIncorrect Your current password is incorrect. (Not translated) Edit
226 settings.account.password.error.noMatch The new passwords don't match. (Not translated) Edit
227 settings.account.password.headline Change Your Password (Not translated) Edit
228 settings.account.password.currentPlaceholder Current password (Not translated) Edit