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  Identifier English  
157 cmd.anime.fetchFailed Failed to fetch data! Edit
158 cmd.anime.fetching Fetching data... Edit
159 cmd.anime.notFound Sorry, but I couldn't find any anime with that name. Edit
160 cmd.anime.resultsFound I found **{0}** results for **{1}**. Please select: Edit
161 cmd.anime.score Score Edit
162 cmd.anime.startDate Start Date Edit
163 cmd.anime.status Status Edit
164 cmd.anime.synopsis Synopsis Edit
165 cmd.anime.type Type Edit
166 cmd.anime.usage.animeName Anime Name Edit
167 cmd.anime.viewOnKitsu View on Edit
168 cmd.anime.viewOnMAL View on MyAnimeList Edit
169 cmd.assignablerole.add.added `{0}` is now a self-assignable role. Members can give themselves this role with the command `{1}role {0}`. Edit
170 cmd.assignablerole.add.alreadyDefined That role is already a self-assignable role. Edit
171 cmd.assignablerole.add.cannotInteract You're not allowed to make that role self-assignable. Edit