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  Identifier English  
247 cmd.deletecommand.usage.commandName Command Name Edit
248 cmd.deposit.amountTooLow You can't deposit less than $100. Edit
249 cmd.deposit.cashEmpty You currently don't have any cash with you. Edit
250 cmd.deposit.complete You successfully deposited **${0}** into your bank account. You now have **${1}** cash left. Edit
251 cmd.deposit.limitReached You can't have more than **$10 Million** in your bank. Edit
252 cmd.deposit.usage.amount Amount Edit
253 cmd.door.closed Cody's door is currently **CLOSED**. Edit
254 Cody's door is currently **OPEN**. Edit
255 cmd.emojify.usage.text Text Edit
256 cmd.emotelist.headline Emotes ({0} emotes found) Edit
257 cmd.emotelist.noEmotesFound There are no emotes registered on this server. Edit
258 cmd.fakemessage.cantFakeSelf You can't fake your own messages. Edit
259 cmd.fakemessage.noMember That user is not a member of this server. Edit
260 cmd.fakemessage.usage.text Text Edit
261 cmd.followage.following {0} has started following {1}. Edit