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  Identifier English  
342 cmd.inventory.headline.epic {0}'s epic items Edit
343 cmd.inventory.headline.legendary {0}'s legendary items Edit
344 cmd.inventory.headline.mythic {0}'s mythic items Edit
345 cmd.inventory.headline.none {0}'s miscelleanous items Edit
346 cmd.inventory.headline.rare {0}'s rare items Edit
347 cmd.inventory.noItemsFound That user does not have any items in this category. Edit
348 cmd.inventory.sendingInDM Alright! I'm sending the inventory of {0} in a direct message! Edit
349 Click Here Edit
350 cmd.invite.headline Inviting Yoshino Edit
351 cmd.invite.invHeadline Invite Edit
352 cmd.invite.supportHeadline Support Server Edit
353 cmd.invite.text To invite Yoshino to a server you will need the `Administrator` permission. Edit
354 cmd.joinmessage.cleared I have cleared this server's join message! Edit
355 cmd.joinmessage.cleared.showOld I have cleared this server's join message from `{0}`! Edit
356 cmd.joinmessage.furtherHelp Please use `{0} clear` to clear the join message. Edit