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  Identifier English  
860 errorOccurred.text An error occurred: {0} Edit
861 imageCommand.noImageFound I'm sorry but I couldn't find any results for that query. Edit
862 invalidInteger Please enter a valid number. Edit
863 levelUp.description Congratulations, {0}! You have reached level {1}! Use {2}profile for more information. Edit
864 levelUp.headline Level Up! Edit
865 levelUp.reward Reward Edit
866 modLog.amount Amount Edit
867 modLog.ban.headline Banned Member Edit
868 Channel Edit
869 modLog.kick.headline Kicked Member Edit
870 modLog.moderator Moderator Edit
871 modLog.purge.headline Purge Messages Edit
872 modLog.reason Reason Edit
873 Target Edit
874 modLog.unban.headline Unbanned Member Edit