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  Identifier English  
169 cmd.assignablerole.add.added `{0}` is now a self-assignable role. Members can give themselves this role with the command `{1}role {0}`. Edit
170 cmd.assignablerole.add.alreadyDefined That role is already a self-assignable role. Edit
171 cmd.assignablerole.add.cannotInteract You're not allowed to make that role self-assignable. Edit
172 Add role to self-assignable roles Edit
173 cmd.assignablerole.headline Self-assignable Roles Edit
174 cmd.assignablerole.list.headline Self-Assignable Roles (showing max. {0} roles, currently {1} roles assignable) Edit
175 List all self-assignable roles Edit
176 cmd.assignablerole.list.noRolesFound No assignable roles have been defined yet. Edit
177 Remove role from self-assignable roles Edit
178 cmd.assignablerole.remove.notDefinedAsRole That role is not a self-assignable role. Edit
179 cmd.assignablerole.remove.removed `{0}` is no longer a self-assignable role. Edit
180 cmd.autorole.cannotInteract You are not allowed to make that role the automatically-assigned role. Edit
181 cmd.autorole.cleared The automatically-assigned role has been removed. Edit
182 cmd.autorole.defined The automatically-assigned role has been set to `{0}`! Edit
183 cmd.autorole.defined.showOld The automatically-assigned role has been updated from `{0}` to `{1}`! Edit