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  Identifier English  
222 cmd.coinflip.heads Heads Edit
223 cmd.coinflip.tails Tails Edit
224 cmd.confused.single {0} is confused... Edit
225 cmd.confused.tagged Oh no, {1}! You're confusing {0}! Edit
226 cmd.convert.globalTooFull Your global balance is too full! Edit
227 cmd.convert.invalidCombination Sorry, but you specified an invalid combination. Make sure to use two different values. Edit
228 cmd.convert.invalidFrom Invalid **from** value! This is the mode that the money will be taken from. Valid values are **server** and **global**. Edit
229 cmd.convert.invalidTo Invalid **to** value! This is the mode that the money will be transferred to. Valid values are **server** and **global**. Edit
230 cmd.convert.notEnoughGlobalMoney You don't have enough global money! Edit
231 cmd.convert.notEnoughServerMoney You don't have enough server-specific money! Edit
232 cmd.convert.serverTooFull Your server-specific balance is too full! Edit
233 cmd.convert.transferred.globalToServer You successfully transferred **${0}** from your global balance to your server-specific balance. You now have **${1}** on your server-specific balance and ${2} on your global balance. Edit
234 cmd.convert.transferred.serverToGlobal You successfully transferred **${0}** from your server-specific balance to your global balance. You now have ${1} on your server-specific balance and **${2}** on your global balance. Edit
235 cmd.convert.usage.amount Amount Edit
236 cmd.convert.usage.from From Edit