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  Identifier English  
508 cmd.patreon.list.headline Patroning Servers ({0} found) Edit
509 List all servers that you have activated a Patreon level on Edit
510 cmd.patreon.list.noPatroningGuilds You currently don't have a Patreon Level active on any servers. Edit
511 Deactivate a Patreon Level on this server Edit
512 cmd.patreon.remove.noPatronActive This server currently has no Patreon Level active. Edit
513 cmd.patreon.remove.notAPatron You are not a Patron. Check `{0}patreon` to find out how to become a Patron. Edit
514 cmd.patreon.remove.otherPatron Somebody else's Patreon Level is currently active, therefore you can't deactivate it. Edit
515 cmd.patreon.remove.ownerInfo The user **{0}** has deactivated the Patreon Level on your server **{1}**. Edit
516 cmd.patreon.remove.removed This server's Patreon Level has been deactivated. It may take up to 5 minutes for the changes to fully take effect. Edit
517 Allows a permission node (requires exactly one parameter!). Edit
518 `{0}` is now set to **{1}** in the channel `{2}`. Edit
519 cmd.permissions.changed.role `{0}` is now set to **{1}** for all members of the role `{2}`. Edit
520 cmd.permissions.changed.server `{0}` is now set to **{1}** on the entire server. Edit
521 Defaults a permission node (requires exactly one parameter!). Edit
522 Denies a permission node (requires exactly one parameter!). Edit