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Source string age
Context Screenshots


  Identifier English French  
737 commandDescription.manga Search for a manga on Recherche un manga sur Edit
738 Shows a random meme. Montre un même aléatoire. Edit
739 commandDescription.miku Shows a random image of Miku from Date A Live. (Not translated) Edit
740 Shows information about a movie. Montre les informations à propos d'un film. Edit
741 Manage Yoshino's music implementation. Règle la manière dont Yoshino gère les musiques. Edit
742 commandDescription.natsumi Shows a random image of Natsumi from Date A Live. (Not translated) Edit
743 commandDescription.nom Shows a "nom" anime reaction image. Affiche un gif "miam". Edit
744 commandDescription.nowplaying Show the currently playing song Affiche la musique actuellement jouée Edit
745 commandDescription.nyan Shows a "nyan" anime reaction image. Affiche un gif "Miaou". Edit
746 commandDescription.oof Shows a random "oof" image. (Not translated) Edit
747 commandDescription.openchest Open a chest. Ouvrir un coffre. Edit
748 commandDescription.origami Shows a random image of Origami from Date A Live. (Not translated) Edit
749 commandDescription.osu Check a user's osu! stats. Affiche les statistiques d'un utilisateur sur Osu!. Edit
750 commandDescription.owo Shows an "owo" anime reaction image. Affiche un gif "owo". Edit
751 commandDescription.pat Shows a "pat" anime reaction image. Affiche un gif "caresse". Edit