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  Identifier English Japanese  
764 commandDescription.reconnect Make Yoshino (re)join the current voice channel. (Not translated) Edit
765 commandDescription.remove Removes an item from the queue (Not translated) Edit
766 commandDescription.restart Plays the current song again (Not translated) Edit
767 commandDescription.rocketleague Shows Rocket League statistics. (Not translated) Edit
768 commandDescription.role Gives or takes a role to/from yourself. (Not translated) Edit
769 commandDescription.rps Play Rock-Paper-Scissors with Yoshino. (Not translated) Edit
770 Skip to a certain timestamp of the current song. (Not translated) Edit
771 commandDescription.serverinfo Shows information about the current server. 現在のサーバーに関する情報を表示します。 Edit
772 commandDescription.setjoinmessage Sets the join message of the current server. 現在のサーバーのウェルカムメッセージを設定します。 Edit
773 commandDescription.setmodlogchannel Sets the channel to send mod logs in. (Not translated) Edit
774 commandDescription.setnotificationschannel Sets the channel to send join and quit messages in. joinとquitメッセージを送信するようにチャネルを設定します。 Edit
775 commandDescription.setquitmessage Sets the quit message of the current server. (Not translated) Edit
776 commandDescription.shuffle Shuffle the current music queue (does not affect the currently playing song). (Not translated) Edit
777 commandDescription.skip Skips the current song (Not translated) Edit
778 commandDescription.slap Shows a "slap" anime reaction image. (Not translated) Edit