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  Identifier English Russian  
684 commandDescription.8ball Answeres a yes/no question. (Not translated) Edit
685 commandDescription.addcommand Adds an executable text command to the current channel or server. Добавляет исполняемую текстовую команду к текущему каналу или серверу. Edit
686 commandDescription.anime Search for an anime on Поиск аниме на Edit
687 commandDescription.assignablerole Set up self-assignable roles. (Not translated) Edit
688 commandDescription.autorole Define a role that is given to all new members of the server. (Not translated) Edit
689 commandDescription.avatar Show the avatar of a user. Показать аватар пользователя. Edit
690 commandDescription.awoo Shows an "awoo" anime reaction image. Показывает реакцию "аууу" из аниме. Edit
691 commandDescription.bad Shows a "bad" anime reaction image. Показывет реакцию "плохо" из аниме. Edit
692 commandDescription.baka Shows a "baka" anime reaction image. (Not translated) Edit
693 commandDescription.ban Ban a user permanently from the server. Навсегда забанить пользователя на сервере. Edit
694 commandDescription.bigtext Converts all text into text with big emoji letters. (Not translated) Edit
695 commandDescription.blush Shows a "blush" anime reaction image. показывеет реакцию "стеснение" из аниме. Edit
696 commandDescription.buychest Buy chests for cash. (Not translated) Edit
697 Shows a random picture of a cat. (Not translated) Edit
698 commandDescription.chucknorris Posts a random Chuck Norris joke. Отправляет случайную шутку Чака Норриса. Edit