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  Identifier English Russian  
205 cmd.ban.privateMsg You have been banned from the server **{0}**. (Not translated) Edit
206 cmd.ban.privateMsg.reason You have been banned from the server **{0}**. Reason: **{1}** (Not translated) Edit
207 cmd.ban.success A new ban rule has been created successfully. (Not translated) Edit
208 cmd.ban.usage.delDays Days (Not translated) Edit
209 cmd.ban.usage.reason Reason (Not translated) Edit
210 cmd.bigtext.usage.text Text (Not translated) Edit
211 cmd.blush.single How cute, {0} is blushing! (Not translated) Edit
212 cmd.blush.tagged Wow, {1}! You made {0} blush! Вау, {1}! Ты заставил {0} покраснеть! >///< Edit
213 cmd.buychest.done.plural You successfully bought **{0}** chests at a cost of {1}. You now have **{2}** left. (Not translated) Edit
214 cmd.buychest.done.singular You successfully bought **{0}** chest at a cost of {1}. You now have **{2}** left. (Not translated) Edit
215 cmd.buychest.invalidAmount Please enter a number between {0} and {1}! (Not translated) Edit
216 cmd.buychest.notEnoughMoney You don't have enough cash to buy that many chests. It would cost **${0}**, but you currently only have **${1}**! (Not translated) Edit
217 cmd.buychest.usage.amount Amount (Not translated) Edit
218 cmd.chucknorris.fetchFailed Failed to fetch a random Chuck Norris joke! (Not translated) Edit
219 cmd.chucknorris.fetching Fetching a random Chuck Norris joke... (Not translated) Edit