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Identifier | English | Japanese | ||
9 | account.claimAccount.step2.text | Enter your Minecraft username and the token you got from the auth server below. | (Not translated) | Edit |
10 | account.claimAccount.step3.headline | Step 3 | (Not translated) | Edit |
11 | account.claimAccount.step3.text | Click "Claim this account". | (Not translated) | Edit |
12 | account.claimAccount.success | The account has been claimed successfully. | (Not translated) | Edit |
13 | account.claimAccount.tokenMustBeNumeric | The token must be numeric. | (Not translated) | Edit |
14 | account.claimAccount.unknownPlayer | This account could not be found. | このアカウントは見つかりませんでした。 | Edit |
15 | account.editProfile.discord.linked | Your Discord account has been linked. | あなたのDiscordアカウントがリンクされました。 | Edit |
16 | account.editProfile.discord.unlinked | Your Discord account has been unlinked. | あなたのDiscordアカウントのリンクが解除されました。 | Edit |
17 | account.editProfile.information | Connect with Discord | Discordでつながる | Edit |
18 | account.editProfile.information.headline | Information | インフォメーション | Edit |
19 | account.editProfile.labymodCapes.headline | LabyMod Capes | LabyModのケープ | Edit |
20 | account.editProfile.noPrimaryPlayer | Please link your Minecraft account, before editing your profile. | (Not translated) | Edit |
21 | account.editProfile.optifineCapes.headline | OptiFine Capes | OptiFineのケープ | Edit |
22 | account.editProfile.skins.headline | Skins | Skins | Edit |
23 | account.editProfile.skins.noTextures | You currently don't have any files of this type. | 現在、このタイプのファイルはありません。 | Edit |