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  Identifier English Burmese  
58 login.error.suspended Your account has been suspended. (Not translated) Edit
59 login.error.emailNotActivated Please activate your email address before logging in. (Not translated) Edit
60 login.error.invalidCredentials Invalid credentials. (Not translated) Edit
61 error.general An error occurred. (Not translated) Edit
62 error.fillAll Please fill all the fields. (Not translated) Edit
63 register.error.usernameUnavailable That username is not available anymore. (Not translated) Edit
64 register.error.emailUnavailable That email address is not available anymore. (Not translated) Edit
65 register.error.tooManyAccounts You have created too many accounts in a short period of time. (Not translated) Edit
66 register.error.usernameInvalidCharacters Your username may only consist of letters and numbers. (Not translated) Edit
67 register.error.usernameTooLong Your username may not be longer than 16 characters. (Not translated) Edit
68 register.error.usernameTooShort Your username must be at least 3 characters long. (Not translated) Edit
69 error.invalidEmail Please enter a valid email address. (Not translated) Edit
70 register.error.alreadyRegistered You are already registered. (Not translated) Edit
71 resetPassword.success Your password has been changed. (Not translated) Edit
72 resetPassword.error.noMatch The passwords do not match. (Not translated) Edit