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  Identifier English  
358 cmd.joinmessage.parameter.userMention Username of the joining member as mention Edit
359 cmd.joinmessage.set I have updated this server's join message to `{0}`! Edit
360 cmd.joinmessage.set.showOld I have updated this server's join message from `{0}` to `{1}`! Edit
361 cmd.joinmessage.usage.message Message Edit
362 cmd.kick.cannotKickOwner Sorry, but I can't kick that user, because they are the server owner. Edit
363 cmd.kick.cannotKickSelf You can't kick yourself. Edit
364 cmd.kick.cannotKickThatUser You cannot kick that user! Edit
365 cmd.kick.cannotKickYoshino Why would you kick me? Edit
366 cmd.kick.error An error occurred. Please check if I have the correct permissions. Edit
367 cmd.kick.noMember That user is not in this server. Edit
368 Reason Edit
369 cmd.kick.privateMsg You have been kicked from the server **{0}**. Edit
370 cmd.kick.privateMsg.reason You have been kicked from the server **{0}**. Reason: **{1}**. Edit
371 cmd.kick.success The user has been kicked successfully. Edit
372 cmd.kick.usage.reason Reason Edit