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  Identifier English  
554 cmd.poll.time.invalidInteger Please enter a valid number for the `time` parameter. Edit
555 cmd.poll.usage.questionAnswerString Question;Answer 1;Answer 2;(...) Edit
556 cmd.poll.votes.plural Votes Edit
557 cmd.poll.votes.singular Vote Edit
558 cmd.pout.single {0} is pouting! Edit
559 cmd.pout.tagged {0} is pouting at {1}, I wonder why? Edit
560 cmd.prefix.discord.changed The command prefix has been changed to `{0}`! Edit
561 The current command prefix is `{0}`. You can change the current prefix by running `{0}prefix <New Prefix>`. Alternatively, you can always use `!yoshi` as a prefix. Edit
562 cmd.pubg.invalidPlatformRegion `{0}` is not a valid platform-region combination. Edit
563 cmd.pubg.invalidUsername Invalid username/ID Edit
564 cmd.pubg.playerNotFound That player could not be found. Please make sure you spelled the username correctly (case-sensitive!). Edit
565 cmd.pubg.rateLimited Rate Limited! Please wait a while before using this command again. Edit
566 cmd.pubg.usage.platform Platform Edit
567 cmd.pubg.usage.region Region Edit
568 cmd.pubg.usage.username PUBG Username Edit