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Source string age
Context Screenshots


  Identifier English Spanish  
806 discord.gameStatus.playing Playing Jugando Edit
807 discord.gameStatus.streaming Streaming En directo Edit
808 discord.gameStatus.watching Watching Viendo Edit
809 Common Común Edit
810 Epic Épico Edit
811 Legendary Legendario Edit
812 Mythic (Not translated) Edit
813 Miscelleanous (Not translated) Edit
814 Rare Raro Edit
815 discord.joinInfo.description I hope I can be useful to you! To get a list of my commands, type **{0}help**. If you need help setting me up or run into problems, check my [website]( or my [support server]( Also, if you like me, please consider checking out my [Patreon]({1}) to help keep me running! (Not translated) Edit
816 discord.joinInfo.title Hello! My name is Yoshino! Thank you for inviting me! (Not translated) Edit
817 discord.missingEmbedPermission Oops, it seems I am missing the `Embed Links` permission, so I can't continue with that action. (Not translated) Edit
818 discord.missingPermission Oops! You seem to be missing the `{0}` permission! ¡Oops! ¡Parece que no tienes el permiso `{0}`! Edit
819 discord.noNotificationsChannelDefined Watch out! I don't know where to send the join/quit notifications yet, please define a channel with `{0}setnotificationschannel` ¡Cuidado! No se a donde enviar las notificaciones de entrada y salida de miembros aún, por favor selecciona un canal con `{0}setnotificationschannel` Edit
820 discord.onlineStatus.dnd Do Not Disturb No Molestar Edit