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Source string age
Context Screenshots


  Identifier English Filipino  
694 commandDescription.bigtext Converts all text into text with big emoji letters. (Not translated) Edit
695 commandDescription.blush Shows a "blush" anime reaction image. (Not translated) Edit
696 commandDescription.buychest Buy chests for cash. (Not translated) Edit
697 Shows a random picture of a cat. (Not translated) Edit
698 commandDescription.chucknorris Posts a random Chuck Norris joke. (Not translated) Edit
699 commandDescription.clear Clear the current queue (Not translated) Edit
700 Shows a random picture of coffee. (Not translated) Edit
701 commandDescription.coinflip Flip a coin, resulting in either Heads or Tails. (Not translated) Edit
702 commandDescription.commands Displays a link to an online list of commands for the current channel. (Not translated) Edit
703 commandDescription.confused Shows a "confused" anime reaction image. (Not translated) Edit
704 commandDescription.convert Move money between your server-specific and global balance. (Not translated) Edit
705 commandDescription.cuddle Shows a "cuddle" anime reaction image. (Not translated) Edit
706 commandDescription.daily Collect your daily reward. (Not translated) Edit
707 Shows a "dance" anime reaction image. (Not translated) Edit
708 commandDescription.deletecommand Deletes an executable text command from the current channel or server. (Not translated) Edit