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  Identifier English Filipino  
849 discord.permission.speak Speak (Not translated) Edit
850 discord.permission.useExternalEmojis Use External Emojis (Not translated) Edit
851 discord.permission.useVoiceActivity Use Voice Activity (Not translated) Edit
852 discord.permission.viewAuditLogs View Audit Logs (Not translated) Edit
853 discord.roleNameOrID Role Name or ID (Not translated) Edit
854 discord.roleNotFound That role could not be found. (Not translated) Edit
855 discord.usageInfo.mention Sorry, but you used that command wrongly! The correct usage is: `{0}` (Not translated) Edit
856 discord.usageInfo.noMention The correct usage is: `{0}` (Not translated) Edit
857 discord.yoshinoCantInteract Sorry, but the server does not allow me to interact with that user like this! (Not translated) Edit
858 discord.yoshinoMissingPermission Oops! It seems the server doesn't allow me to do that. Please tell the administrator to give me the `{0}` permission. (Not translated) Edit
859 errorOccurred An error occurred. (Not translated) Edit
860 errorOccurred.text An error occurred: {0} (Not translated) Edit
861 imageCommand.noImageFound I'm sorry but I couldn't find any results for that query. (Not translated) Edit
862 invalidInteger Please enter a valid number. (Not translated) Edit
863 levelUp.description Congratulations, {0}! You have reached level {1}! Use {2}profile for more information. (Not translated) Edit