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Source string age
Identifier | English | French | ||
861 | imageCommand.noImageFound | I'm sorry but I couldn't find any results for that query. | (Not translated) | Edit |
862 | invalidInteger | Please enter a valid number. | Merci de saisir un nombre valide. | Edit |
863 | levelUp.description | Congratulations, {0}! You have reached level {1}! Use {2}profile for more information. | Félicitations, {0} ! Tu as atteint le niveau {1} ! Utilise {2}profile pour plus d'information. | Edit |
864 | levelUp.headline | Level Up! | Niveau supérieur ! | Edit |
865 | levelUp.reward | Reward | Récompense | Edit |
866 | modLog.amount | Amount | Quantité | Edit |
867 | modLog.ban.headline | Banned Member | Membres bannis | Edit |
868 | | Channel | Salon | Edit |
869 | modLog.kick.headline | Kicked Member | Membres exclus | Edit |
870 | modLog.moderator | Moderator | Modérateur | Edit |
871 | modLog.purge.headline | Purge Messages | Supprimer les messages | Edit |
872 | modLog.reason | Reason | Raison | Edit |
873 | | Target | Cible | Edit |
874 | modLog.unban.headline | Unbanned Member | Membre débanni | Edit |
875 | nameList.lastSeperator | and | et | Edit |