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  Identifier English Portuguese (Brazil)  
865 levelUp.reward Reward Reconpensa Edit
866 modLog.amount Amount Quantidade Edit
867 modLog.ban.headline Banned Member Membro Banido Edit
868 Channel Canal Edit
869 modLog.kick.headline Kicked Member Membro Kickado Edit
870 modLog.moderator Moderator Moderador Edit
871 modLog.purge.headline Purge Messages Limpar Mensagens Edit
872 modLog.reason Reason Motivo Edit
873 Target Alvo Edit
874 modLog.unban.headline Unbanned Member Membro Desbanido Edit
875 nameList.lastSeperator and e Edit
876 twitch.antispam.bannedwordsfilter.announcementMessage You've used a banned word (Not translated) Edit
877 twitch.antispam.excessivecapsfilter.announcementMessage Please calm your caps lock (Not translated) Edit
878 twitch.antispam.excessiveemotesfilter.announcementMessage You're using too many emotes (Not translated) Edit
879 twitch.antispam.excessivesymbolsfilter.announcementMessage Please don't use so many symbols (Not translated) Edit