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  Identifier English Turkish  
15 8ball.yes.12 Absolutely. (Not translated) Edit
16 8ball.yes.2 It is decidedly so. (Not translated) Edit
17 8ball.yes.3 Without a doubt. (Not translated) Edit
18 8ball.yes.4 Yes definitely. (Not translated) Edit
19 8ball.yes.5 You may rely on it. (Not translated) Edit
20 8ball.yes.6 You can count on it. (Not translated) Edit
21 8ball.yes.7 As I see it, yes. (Not translated) Edit
22 8ball.yes.8 Most likely. (Not translated) Edit
23 8ball.yes.9 Outlook good. (Not translated) Edit
24 actionLog.ban.headline {0} banned by {1} (Not translated) Edit
25 Member banned (Not translated) Edit
26 actionLog.ban.reason Reason (Not translated) Edit
27 Target (Not translated) Edit
28 Channel (Not translated) Edit
29 actionLog.channel_created.headline Channel created (Not translated) Edit