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  Identifier English Chinese (Traditional)  
550 cmd.poll.pollHeadline POLL (Not translated) Edit
551 cmd.poll.possibleAnswers Possible answers (Not translated) Edit
552 cmd.poll.questionTooLong The specified question is too long. (Not translated) Edit
553 cmd.poll.result Result (Not translated) Edit
554 cmd.poll.time.invalidInteger Please enter a valid number for the `time` parameter. (Not translated) Edit
555 cmd.poll.usage.questionAnswerString Question;Answer 1;Answer 2;(...) (Not translated) Edit
556 cmd.poll.votes.plural Votes (Not translated) Edit
557 cmd.poll.votes.singular Vote (Not translated) Edit
558 cmd.pout.single {0} is pouting! (Not translated) Edit
559 cmd.pout.tagged {0} is pouting at {1}, I wonder why? (Not translated) Edit
560 cmd.prefix.discord.changed The command prefix has been changed to `{0}`! (Not translated) Edit
561 The current command prefix is `{0}`. You can change the current prefix by running `{0}prefix <New Prefix>`. Alternatively, you can always use `!yoshi` as a prefix. (Not translated) Edit
562 cmd.pubg.invalidPlatformRegion `{0}` is not a valid platform-region combination. (Not translated) Edit
563 cmd.pubg.invalidUsername Invalid username/ID (Not translated) Edit
564 cmd.pubg.playerNotFound That player could not be found. Please make sure you spelled the username correctly (case-sensitive!). (Not translated) Edit