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  Identifier English Czech  
145 cmd.50x2.lose You **LOST**! You rolled a **{0}**, betting **${1}** and now have **${2}** cash! (Not translated) Edit
146 cmd.50x2.notEnoughCash You don't have enough cash! (Not translated) Edit
147 cmd.50x2.usage.amount Amount (Not translated) Edit
148 You **WON**! You rolled a **{0}**, betting **${1}** and now have **${2}** cash! (Not translated) Edit
149 cmd.8ball.questionTooLong Sorry, but the question may only be 250 characters long. (Not translated) Edit
150 cmd.8ball.usage.question Question (Not translated) Edit
151 cmd.addcommand.discord.added Successfully added the command `{0}` with text `{1}`. (Not translated) Edit
152 cmd.addcommand.discord.alreadyExists There is already a command called `{0}`. (Not translated) Edit
153 cmd.addcommand.usage.commandName Command Name (Not translated) Edit
154 cmd.addcommand.usage.commandText Command Text (Not translated) Edit
155 cmd.anime.endDate End Date (Not translated) Edit
156 cmd.anime.episodes Episodes (Not translated) Edit
157 cmd.anime.fetchFailed Failed to fetch data! (Not translated) Edit
158 cmd.anime.fetching Fetching data... (Not translated) Edit
159 cmd.anime.notFound Sorry, but I couldn't find any anime with that name. (Not translated) Edit