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  Identifier English Spanish  
576 cmd.quitmessage.furtherHelp Please use `{0} clear` to clear the quit message. Por favor utiliza `{0} clear` para eliminar el mensaje de salida. Edit
577 cmd.quitmessage.set I have updated this server's quit message to `{0}`! ¡He cambiado el mensaje de salida de este servidor a `{0}`! Edit
578 cmd.quitmessage.set.showOld I have updated this server's quit message from `{0}` to `{1}`! ¡He cambiado el mensaje de salida de este servidor de `{0}` a `{1}`! Edit
579 cmd.quitmessage.usage.message Message Mensaje Edit
580 cmd.raffle.alreadyParticipating You are already participating in this chat's current raffle. (Not translated) Edit
581 cmd.raffle.ended.creatorInfo.noWinners Your raffle created in the channel {0} just ended, but no winners could be determined... (Not translated) Edit
582 Your raffle created in the chat of {0} just ended and the winners were {1}. (Not translated) Edit
583 Your raffle created in the chat of {0} just ended and the winner was {1}. (Not translated) Edit
584 cmd.raffle.ended.noWinners The raffle ended, but no winners could be determined... (Not translated) Edit
585 {0} have won the raffle! Congratulations! (Not translated) Edit
586 {0} has won the raffle! Congratulations! (Not translated) Edit
587 cmd.raffle.noActiveRaffle There is currently no raffle active in this chat. (Not translated) Edit
588 cmd.raffle.noActiveRaffle.howToStart There is currently no raffle active in this chat. Use {0}startraffle to start a raffle. (Not translated) Edit
589 cmd.raffle.nowParticipating You are now participating in the raffle! Good luck! (Not translated) Edit
590 cmd.rl.fetching Fetching data... (Not translated) Edit